Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good Afternoon,

What a beautiful day in New England. I'm able to work on my blog today and Etsy shop because Shorty is with his Nana. She's has taken him to the ocean today and will take him to one of our favorite lakes up north tomorrow.

Candy, staying up late, and spoiling them rotten I think is the privilege of a grandparent. They don't have to worry about all the everyday mundane stuff. PURE JOY

There was an interesting tidbit on the local news the other night. New Hampshire attractions up North are more busy than they have been in years. Most of the visitors were from New Hampshire. While a lot of people in this state leave to go on vacation, outer staters are flocking here to our playground in our own backyard. I know in the past when we have been in the White Mountains we are usually the only one with a NH licence plate while the rest are outer staters. I'm glad to see this year more people are sticking around here and enjoying the abundant adventures that are available here.
Hope you check back often. My blog is full of eclectic musings about life and ways to bring fun to your family and friends.

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