Family Tradtion in our family is going to The Deerfield Fair. To give you an idea how far our family goes back, my grandfather use to lead the parade on opening day back around the mid 1930's. They no longer have the parade but they do still have animals, entertainment, horse shows, and the buildings where local folks show off there country skill. Quilting, crafting, canning, baking, flowers, and vegetables. Bring your family to a local fair & make it a tradition. These can be great memories that last a life time.
This is my favorite building on the fair grounds. Inside is how people lived back in the early 19th century and earlier. The barn is filled with old farming equipment.
First thing we do when we get to the Fair is go to the art and craft buildings and see what we got for a ribbon. Shorty was so excited to see he got 1st and 2nd on his pictures. Great gram also did well in her classess. She knits and sews. I didn't have a enough time this year to enter but maybe next year. I missed not doing it this year.